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« Graine d’Europe veut déclencher une prise de conscience en sensibilisant à l’Europe par la culture et la démarche artistique ». C’est de cette façon que Gaëlle Rolland, porteuse de projet et maintenant directrice, décrit la philosophie de l’Association.
L’Europe peut se lire en ville à travers l’histoire, la culture, le patrimoine, l’actualité.
Toucher le grand public et permettre aux citoyens de découvrir et de prendre conscience de l’Europe près de chez soi est son objectif. Pour y parvenir trois axes de travail ont été privilégiés : le patrimoine, les actions artistiques et l’organisation d’évènements.
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It was Friday, March 13th, it was the last day of our trip to England so we were very sad… and it was raining!
We arrived in Salisbury and we immediatly felt that something odd was taking place.
It was incredible! Some people in the streets were dressed up, wearing red wig and a red noses, just like clowns. Some others were wearing red clothes, pyjamas, and they were all laughing. We wondered what was going on, because we had never seen that before! Were people in Salisbury particularly strange? Was all this happening because it was Friday the 13th? We went to the shopping mall to have lunch and there we saw a big poster that answered all our questions: it was in fact Red Nose Day.
Then we were told that on this special day, people are asked to raise money for Comic Relief, a charity which wants to fight against poverty in the world. The slogan of this day is “do something funny for money”, but it can be “wear something funny for money…”, or “buy something funny for money…”.