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Unis-Cité est une association loi 1901 laïque et indépendante créée en 1994 par des étudiants de l’ESSEC. L’objectif premier de l’association est de faire en sorte qu’il devienne naturel en France que tous les jeunes, quelles que soient leurs origines sociales ou leurs niveaux d’études, consacrent une étape de leur vie à la collectivité.
Unis-Cité expérimente depuis un an un service civique européen suite à un appel à projet de la Commission Européenne. 65 jeunes volontaires d’Unis-Cité ont ainsi pu, après 6 ou 9 mois de service en France, s’engager 4 …
Voyages »

It was lunch time, we headed towards Saint James’s Park to have picnick like many Londoners and tourists. But St James’s Park was different on that day… The first thing we saw near the entrance of the park was a lawn full of crocus and daffodils. It was so beautiful! Then, we saw the squirrels. They were grey squirrels and they weren’t shy at all: they were eating out of our hands. We were then very surprised to see so many people in the park, and especially businessmen wearing suits, white shirts and ties, seating on the benches or on the grass and eating sandwiches. It seemed very funny to us, we had never seen anything like that before !
Voyages »

Covent Garden has always been a market place full of animation and activity. When we went to visit London with our collège in March 2009, we were quite pleased to hear that we could have some free time in Covent Garden : it meant shopping for us !
When we arrived in La Piazza, a large square in front of the covered market, we were happy to see there was till a « market » full of people there. We couldn’t believe our eyes : it was like a paradise for a young tourist ! There were many shops selling anything we would dream to buy (clothes, shoes…), but there was also a covered market called the « Jubilee Market » where you could buy all the typical English souvenirs a French teenager is looking for !
Voyages »

Embark your flying brooms and come with us to experience the Harry Potter atmosphere in a live college. At First, the visit of Christ Church College in Oxford didn’t mean anything special. When we came into the college, went past the cloister and up the stairs, it immediately rang a bell : we were arriving at Hogwarts, following the most famous wizards in the world : Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy! Was Professor MacGonogall going to welcome us upstairs, near the entrance of the dining-hall? No, she wasn’t, but we imagined her strict look upon us! It was very impressive, we felt like being actors playing a part in the film !